Welcome! Are you writing JavaScript tests and in the market for a mocking library to fake out real things for you? testdouble.js is an opinionated, carefully-designed test double library maintained by, oddly enough, a software agency that's also named Test Double.
If you practice test-driven development, testdouble.js was designed to promote terse, clear, and easy-to-understand tests. There's an awful lot to cover, so please take some time and enjoy our documentation, which is designed to show you how to make the most out of test doubles in your tests.
This library was designed to work for both Node.js and browser interpeters. It's also test-framework agnostic, so you can plop it into a codebase using Jasmine, Mocha, Tape, Jest, or our own teenytest.
npm install -D testdouble
global.td = require('testdouble') // Node.js; `window.td` for browsers