用于构建用户界面的声明性,高效且灵活的JavaScript库。 它不使用虚拟dom。相反它选择将其模板编译为真实的DOM节点,并将更新包装在细粒度的响应中。这样当您的状态仅更新依赖于它的代码时运行。
Real DOM with fine-grained updates (No Virtual DOM! No Dirty Checking Digest Loop!).
Declarative data
Simple composable primitives without the hidden rules.
Function Components with no need for lifecycle methods or specialized configuration objects.
Render once mental model.
Fast! Almost indistinguishable performance vs optimized painfully imperative vanilla DOM code
Small! Completely tree-shakeable Solid's compiler will only include parts of the library you use.
Supports and is built on TypeScript.
Supports modern features like JSX, Fragments, Context, Portals, Suspense, Streaming SSR, Progressive Hydration, Error Boundaries and Concurrent Rendering.
Webcomponent friendly and can author Custom Elements
Context api that spans Custom Elements
Implicit event delegation with Shadow DOM Retargeting
Shadow DOM Portals
Transparent debugging: a <div> is just a div.